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Be sure to follow along with the Saints in the Making Family Email Challenge so you can discuss the ideas and resources with the kids in the classroom. (If you don’t automatically receive the emails, you can register at If you have registered before, send us an email at so that we can re-register you.


Each email contains a “Diving into the Mass” video which spotlights one part of the mass each week. (Lady’s Melissa’s part of the Dragon Slayers Challenge for Kids.) Consider playing these videos in class and encourage the students to go to Mass and watch for each week’s spotlight!


Listen to the Catholic Sprouts/Saturdays with Sir Rolland podcast and encourage your students to listen as well so that you can discuss the different topics.


Send notes to parents and encourage them to attend Mass and try the resources in the emails. Hold them accountable! It is very important that they are attending Mass… Their child is preparing for First Communion! Find ways to get them there. (See number 5)


Talk with your pastor about having 7 Deadly Dragon Keychains available at Mass. After Mass, the 2nd graders can go up to Father and receive a new keychain each week! This also gives Father a chance to greet the parents and thank them for attending. You can get your supply of keychains at


Offer the ministries, ideas and resources we recommend for families at your parish to help them with finances, chastity, addiction, divorce, or other common dragons they are facing. See our ads in the next few pages, and ask us for recommendations on other ministries, and share your ministry ideas with us!


Talk with your pastor about making special opportunities for reconciliation for the parents. Many of them say they are open to going after the retreat, but we need to make it as easy as possible. Also, we strongly recommend having an opportunity for Reconciliation right before First Communion for both parents and kids.


Offer dates nights for parents by providing fun activities at the parish for kids that can serve as babysitting so parents can enjoy some time together.


Be sure to give the parents the End-of-the-Year Survey so we can measure our progress. Send completed surveys to us at 12765 West County Road 10, Alvada, OH 44802 so we can compile and share the results with you. Thanks!


Sign up for the Dragon Slayers Training Guild to receive free downloads, music, games, coloring pages, resource ideas, discounts, & more! For parents, teachers, & kids!

Copyright © 2024 by Extraordinary Mission. A 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.


12765 W County Rd 10, Alvada, OH 44802

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